Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Noesis is the third album from Jay Denes’ Blue Six. And if you’re a fan of either 2002’s Beautiful Tomorrow or 2007’s Aquarian Angel, this’ll slip down nicely, dripping with delicate soulful electronic downtempo goodness. The restrained vibe creates a unified set of exquisitely produced, smooth as silk, tunes with impeccable soothing vocals from favourites Catherine Russell, Aya and Tabitha Fair.

Critics might label the album background music. But its that rare beast; a deep listening experience that also functions as background music with no one track standing out.

Front-man Jay Denes describes himself as being ‘out of step with popular culture’. In this Bieber-Fever era, his subtle brand of sophistico-soul is unlikely to filter through beyond the congnoscenti. But rather than produce something wholly parochial, like some aged rocker retreading the same riff, Blue Six gently tweak the formula to create a fine album of delicious subtlety.



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